
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Getting into the swing of things

I never thought that 2oz of food would seem too much to get down.  Seriously newborns eat more than that. It's fascinating to me.  I do get hungry but I get satisfied quickly.

Some quick observations:

1.  I'm not as sore and weak as I thought I'd be.  I feel like I could do everything I did prior to surgery.  My surgeon reminded me though the scars look small what happened inside is huge and will take time to heal.  I'm heading her advice.

2.  I've never appreciated broth, jello, vanilla yogurt or pudding nearly as much as I do now.  Food is now a necessity.  I feel myself striving to find something else to do when bored, frustrated, mad, sad, pissed.  I'm no where near the point where I can say I'm cured but the surgery gives me a good reason to just eat when I need to now.

3.  I miss chugging down a drink.  Whether it's water, sweet tea, a Diet Coke or any other tasty beverage, I loved to drink all I wanted when I wanted.  Drinking has become a chore.  I have to drink 64oz of liquid a day but that's hard when you can only drink 1-2oz every 15 minutes.

4.  Vitamins are nasty.  I've gotten used to most of them but they are like a meal in themselves.  The chewables aren't nearly as bad as I thought though so I'm getting them down when I'm supposed to.  It's interesting that I think I'll like food less when associating these vitamins to meal time.

5.  Pain medicine tastes worse than the pain is.  I rarely take any during the day now.  I still have more than half the bottle left they sent home with me.

I had my first follow up appointment yesterday and things look good.  I may be starting to ease off of my blood pressure pills.  That's more exciting than you can imagine.  I am now off of clear liquids and am onto full liquids.  This means a little more variety in what I can eat but still not much.  I'm loving the vanilla Greek yogurt though.  In 6 weeks I'll go back and they told me not to be surprised if I'm 40-50lbs lighter by then.  I about shit myself when they said that.  I was told before but now I can see it's a reality.

I've been walking 10-15 minutes after every meal.  It's amazing how much better I feel when I walk.  I'm looking forward to strength training too.  I'm going to join the YMCA so I can go on my lunch hour at work. No heavy lifting but free weights to start.

My stomach and arms look like I was in a fight.  I'm bruised, I still have adhesive from the surgical tape all over me but I feel pretty good.


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