
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I'll update this frequently...

So I broke a promise to my readers I guess.  I have not updated this blog nearly as much as I'd like and for that I'd like to say I'm sorry.

Things are going very well in the weight loss department.  I'm down about 60 lbs but better yet I am under the 300 lbs mark for the first time in nearly 10 years.  I am off all of my prescribed medications and am no longer taking Prilosec.  Sorry Larry the Cable Guy...

It is amazing how good I feel.  I still have some emotional days where I fall back into the pity party for MHB mode.  It's so 'normal' for me that I don't know I'm doing it until someone calls me on it or I wonder why no one is talking to me.

One of the biggest struggles I'm having is with the supplements.  I think I've finally gotten the protein thing under control but the chewable vitamins are not tasting all that great.  My surgeon doesn't want me taking the capsules yet.  I could develop ulcers quickly and that's bad.  I'm just going to have to sack up on that.

I've started exercising at the YMCA and am loving it.  I still struggle with motivating myself to do that but seeing the weight drop off every day on the scale is great motivation.

The one thing that still pisses me off is the inability to drink lots of liquid quickly.  I'm so used to chugging a glass of water when it is ice cold.  Now I have to sip the water and the stuff gets warm.  It sucks ass.  I'm doing better at getting all of my liquids but the next advance in bariatric science needs to include an easier way to get liquids in more efficiently.

This isn't a plea from a lazy fat ass.  This is a plea from a guy who loves to drink ice cold water and knows how important it is to get all of his liquid in each day.  More so now than ever before.

I hope I don't go nearly a month between posts anymore gentle reader.

1 comment:

Don't be stupid. Remember that this is my life not yours. I want to hear from folks but blatantly offensive comments won't be allowed.